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A special day for special children


Gloria Arena has been animated by the voices of over 200 children, volunteers and teachers who have celebrated the international Children`s Day in advance. The Anagrama association in collaboration with Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad have jointly organized a sports event called “Sun Games” that has gathered children from special inclusive education centers and day care centers for children with disabilities from across Arad, Bihor and Timis.

They were joined by volunteers from AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work (FSEPAS) and Faculty of Sports, the Health Professions High School from Arad and the Secondary School from Simand.

„We have gladly joined the invitation to partake in this event and I believe that for our students, as well as for each of us, the time spent here brought spiritual enrichment and helped see the world through the eyes of these wonderful children” declared FSEPAS Dean, prof. Alina Roman.

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